AGI, agents, and timelines
On Pain
The Toad
Common logical fallacies surrounding capitalism
Artificial Knowledge Creation
Unshackling Artificial Minds
Captain's Log #2
The Stars
The Illusion of Free Will
Universality and APIs
Captain's Log #1
The AI is coming
The Beginning of Infinity
Sailing across the Atlantic
The Manager's Handbook
A personal update
The six principles of lifestyle businesses
Lifestyle business FAQ
Predictions of the future
The Great CEO Within
Nothing matters
Advice to my younger self
Zone of Genius
The style of a leader
A value driven life
How I learnt to program and dropped out of high-school
Conscious Leadership
How we run our entire company out of Asana
Feedback is not a dirty word
CEO Coaches
My life is random
An Engineer's Guide to US Visas
Structuring Sinatra Applications
A Startup's Guide to Hiring
A programmer's legacy
An Engineer's guide to Stock Options
Animating DOM transitions
How (not) to write recruiting emails
End to end encryption in JS Web Apps
Cross Site Request Forgery in JS Web Apps
Preventing tab-close data loss in JS Web Apps
JavaScript 'wake' event
Heroku Staging
Dynamic pagination
SEO in JS Web Apps
How yield will transform Node.js
Time to first tweet
Regulation and Innovation
Memory Management in JS Web Apps
Queuing Ajax Requests in JS Web Apps
Speed up Heroku deploys
How to travel around the world for a year
Traveling, Writing and Programming (2011)
Asynchronous UIs - the future of web user interfaces
Chrome's requestAutocomplete()
Setting up Sublime Text 2
Analyzing my DNA
Abba - JavaScript a/b testing
Stripe Push Notifications
All you need to know about CSS Transitions
Humble Beginnings
5 APIs that will transform the Web in 2013
What it's like to work for Stripe
A JavaScript Security Flaw
An Asynchronous Image Uploading Interface for Svbtle
The State of Hiring
Here's to the Misfits
Killing a library
A browser API for one click payments
The Power of Language
Moving to San Francisco
What would you do if you knew that you wouldn't fail?
Canvas Color Picker
Open-sourcing Stylo
Spine Facebook Friend Picker
Chrome supports TCP & UDP Sockets
Exercise & Programming
Resumes are dangerous
CommonJS for Sprockets
Open sourcing all my private projects
Adobe's 9% Flash tax
When you should quit your job
Rails is just an API
Server-side Upgrades